Workers' Compensation
The Workers' Compensation Act covers on-the-job injuries that occur in the course and scope of employment and that result in damage or harm to the body. It also covers occupational diseases direclty caused by exposure in the workplace.
If injury or illness is life threatening, please call 911.

Injured Employee
Frequently Asked Questions
I have an employee that has been injured at work. As the supervisor, what's my first responsibility?
Immediately submit a Supervisor's Report of Incident/Injury/Illness form. If you have questions, contact Katherine Beamer at 512-245-1569.
Can I go to any doctor for my work-related injury?
Yes and no, Workers' Compensation insurance is separate from your medical coverage provided by TXST, as such you cannot go to your PCP for a work-related injury. Instead, you must utilize an in-network doctor from the provider with State Office of Risk Management. Contact EHSREM for the most up to date listing of providers.
In an EMERGENCY situation, you may go to any emergency room and then follow-up with a doctor who accepts the workers’ compensation insurance.
If an injured employee is off work due to their work related injury, what procedure is required?
The employee is required to complete an Employee’s Election Regarding Utilization of Sick and Annual Leave form (Spanish Version of Employee's Election Regarding Utilization of Sick and Annual Leave). This form provides the employee four options concerning the use of sick leave while losing time from work due to a work-related injury or illness. If an employee fails to make an election prior to the eighth day of disability, the election will automatically be to use no accrued leave time, causing the employee to be placed on Leave Without Pay (LWOP).
If an injured employee takes time off from work for physical therapy or follow-up appointments with the treating doctor, how is the leave recorded?
The employee must use sick leave if available. If no sick leave is available, then accrued vacation leave may be used.
Does an employee have to use sick and/or vacation leave for lost time from work?
An employee does not have to use sick and/or vacation leave for lost time from work, instead they can utilize pay benefits from State Office of Risk Management (SORM). However, that requires being LWOP here at TXST which could impact the employee’s insurance benefits.
There is a seven day waiting period for pay benefits for SORM, benefits start on the 8th day. Should an employee be LWOP for fourteen days, pay benefits will be retroactive.
Have the employee contact Katherine Beamer at 245-1569 to discuss the impact of his/her selection.
How much will worker's compensation pay while I am off work?
You can receive up to 70% of your average weekly wage. for more information please refer to SORM Workers Comp program or WC Coordinator.
While I'm off work, do I have to call into my office every day or week?
No, please stay in contact with Katherine Beamer in Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management as she is the point of contact (liaison between employee, department, insurance carrier, and medical provider).